Union Jack Flag victory as a taxi driver from Shropshire wins the right to display the national flag on his cab.
Army veteran, Mr Basil Brockhurst, was told to remove the Union Jack Flag under a 200-page Hackney Carriage policy instituted by Shropshire Council. However, after becoming angry and upset by this demand, Mr Brockhurst approached his local councillors to look into the matter. The supposition is that the Union flag along with the St George flag has ‘Far Right’ elements and could be seen as divisive. Nevertheless, MP, Helen Morgan and councillor, Ian Nellins eventually overturned the ruling. Mr Brockhurst, now has permission to fly the nations flag from his taxi.
Some have suggested that if the Union Jack Flag has been hijacked by extremists, perhaps it is time to counteract this notion by reclaiming the Union Jack for the nation.
This may be a small victory for one man but perhaps it is the start of good common sense.